Sam Joy Studio

graphic designer + illustrator
based in los angeles


(2017 - current)

A diverse range of illustrations from editorial articles, a podcast cover, to poster designs.


Digiday Media


Select companion illustrations for articles by Digiday Media and WorkLife.

Podcast Cover Art

The Return


The Return is a podcast about the advertising industry as it grapples with returning to the office in a global pandemic that has forced society to reconsider the very idea of work.

Poster Designs

Port of Long Beach
World Trade Week


Winning design for the 2017 World Trade Week Poster Contest. The task was to create a poster that presents a positive outlook on world trade.

Conceptual sketch and progress artwork

Long Beach Post /
Acura Grand Prix Poster


The Long Beach Post asked 5 women to reimagine the artwork for the iconic Grand Prix, which the city has hosted nearly every year for more than 45 years. 

Personal work

samjoystudio ‘23